We have some big Gemini energy this month. Some clients tell me that they are in a bit of a funk. With the Gemini New Moon, things should ease up. Most of this feeling adds up to feeling stuck and waiting for more favorable changes. You know what needs to change, and some action is required to make the change. It is time to take the leap, risk, and accept your reward. Rewards may not be what we expect, but we will remain in the Funk unless we take that step forward and leave what needs to be left. The energy will improve, and this is a powerful time for manifestation, but it is also a time to make concrete plans on how you will use this energy. Use Common sense and make a plan so the good stuff falls away like water through your fingers.
The new moon in Gemini is a great time for communication and discussion of what needs to be said to create balance and change. Also, it is a good time to start a new relationship or take the one you have to the next level. I hear the Beatles singing Love, Love, Love.
I am happy to say that my week has been uneventful. I have been cleaning, organizing, and purging. I even washed my dog, Alice. She wasn't crazy about that. It reminds me of the day before I went into labor with my youngest daughter. I was obsessed with cleaning. Perhaps I am nesting and waiting for a birth of some kind?
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If you listen to The Live or Archived 12radio show Stands of Wisdom, which airs every Thursday at 11 a.m. Pacific time, Maureen and I discuss the scopes and more!
Have a wonderful week!
Here are the channeled Scopes.
Scopes June 4, 2024
You can start moving forward again with the help of some shadow work. The Collective says to dig deep into the dark moments in which you were less than virtuous. We aren't picking on you. There is no one on the planet without a Shadow. You will want to go back through your memories and look for the triggers that are connected to some of your reactions today. These things hold you back, and you have the opportunity to heal and be released. Journaling can be very effective in this process.
Be still and allow your manifestations to come back to you. The Collective is showing me a giant boomerang that you threw out there, and it has been collecting energy and information. I see this process started about one year ago. Some of your ideas and desires will bear fruit, and some will not, but you will be gifted the opportunity for change. The song Hey Jude by the Beatles is playing in my head, specifically the part of the lyrics that says The movement you need is on your shoulder. Changing your point of view will help change. I see you looking at things you thought you wanted a year ago, realizing you were in a different frame of mind then. I see Mother Mary protecting and supporting you.
Tap into Divine abundance. Count your blessings, especially the elemental blessings: home, family, friends, and food. Do not fall into a rut or obsess about not having enough. The Collective is trying to work with you as a whole to lift you up and over a hump in your consciousness. It feels like something planetary or energetic that Gemini has experienced in the past eight days, is what I am hearing. Shift your conscious thoughts and behaviors. Be generous in your support, and remember that the Universe wants you to have everything so you can share with others. This month would be an excellent time to volunteer or do something to help someone or some cause. The Universe will be right behind you.
You may notice a gentle breeze as it touches your cheek in remembrance of someone who has passed on. This presence could also be a guide or spirit sent to support and heal you with love. Take a moment to express your thanks. The message from this encounter is to live each day to its fullest. Don't waste time on petty resentments or anger. You may feel like you are not progressing in some way. It could be professionally or financially. You can't expect others to be responsible for your success or failure. You know what you need to do on a personal level to move out of the gridlock. Step out of self-sabotage and blame. Some people hang on to situations that are not healthy or simply not working because they fear what the ending will look like. Maybe it is like a prescribed burn that firefighters set that stimulates new growth. Let it burn, Baby.
You are loved. The Universe is here to support you and let you know that you are not alone. The I am presence is closer to you than your breath, closer to you than your hands and feet, Supporting you in miraculous ways. Focus on your big Leo heart and breathe, knowing you are God's direct ascendant. Feel the marriage of your soul.
I feel a blessing from the spirit for Leo.
The Universe has ways of forcing us to make changes or listen. You may be in a position that requires you to be still and know that this could be considered a highly productive time—just not the way you imagined. Use this time to get in touch and see what changes would benefit you. Look around your surroundings and see what holds you down or back.
Your message is all about letting go of the old and creating space. Receiving is difficult when you don't have space; if you don't make that space, the Universe will do it for you in uncomfortable or unexpected ways. I see some of you giving away crystals and things that you have cherished. Perhaps you are on the move. You need to get ready to change residence, or you need space for one reason or another. Blessing these items before they go to their new homes is essential. Clear the energy.
You are so connected now; you can read other people's minds. Using this telepathic ability for the highest good is very cool. You may get a glimpse of what God sees in us humans. Our thoughts are sometimes beautiful or sometimes dark and selfish. But God loves us anyway, and this reminds you to love unconditionally and accept people as they are, beautifully flawed.
Spirit shows me a cat sitting on a fence. Cats mean independence and luck. I hear the collective talking about opportunities that are about to be revealed. These opportunities feel like new territory, so using your intuition and cat's eyes is essential—the song, Dream the Impossible Dream, is coming through for you. Allow yourself to be a little vulnerable so you will be willing to entertain the possibilities.
Rules are essential for you this week. These rules can also relate to instructions. Follow them to a tee. No shortcuts. You will hear something that will benefit you—perhaps a conversation between 2 people while shopping or on TV. Pay attention. You always remain strong for other people in your life, but you need to do the things that will help you stay strong. Follow up on all medical appointments. Don't feel that asking for help with stress is a sign of weakness. You may connect with someone who will suggest something to help you build your strength regarding stress.
Reaching out to old friends and acquaintances is good therapy for you. Looking back at a past situation benefits you and settles some restless unanswered questions that have followed you for some time. I see you standing under a rainbow and enjoying the colors and vibrations of the air energy. I see good energy from Jupiter in Gemini energy. I hear the word invitation. That could be invitations from people and such or invitations from spirit.
Do you know how it feels when the answer or the help you need comes to your aid at the perfect time? Well, this is a time of synchronicity. I see you holding Aladen's lamp and making wishes. Somebody may reveal some secrets to you this week. How you use this information tells a lot about your character. Will you use this to snitch on someone or keep it to yourself? Do you feel you must right the wrongs because life is unfair, or do you feel like a victim?