I am back! I was a bit overwhelmed doing fairs and other consultations as well as family and friend time during the holidays.
The energy was intense and sometimes felt paralyzing during the elections. I have been able to find my comfort zone in going inward and living one day at a time to ensure my happiness and sanity. I know we are all called to this planet at this time for a higher purpose. Nobody said it was going to be easy. We are here to work and grow.
I don't think Maureen and I will be going back to radio, but we plan on doing a podcast and YouTube channel.
If you are in the Denver area, I will be doing readings at a fair at Discover Your Spiritual Gift
Saturday, January 18th at 500 E Arapahoe Rd #208, Centennial, CO 80112
If you want, you can contact me and schedule an appointment ahead of time.
I am also planning a Merlin Meditation and Channeling session this month, perhaps on 12academy.com or ??? I might also be scheduling some sessions in person, small groups. Contact me if you are interested. You can always find me on www.12listen.com for a quick reading!
Thank you all so much! I am so grateful for all of you! Your love and light and the desire to make the world a better place. You all are making a huge difference in this world. Sometimes it may seem like we are defeated, but we are not! We are shifting and changing and accepting new challenges!
Love You
So here are the First Channeled Scopes for January 2025
Scopes January 2025
 You may have decided to fit someone else's expectations in the past year. While changing behavior can be good, don't lose your core beliefs. Be yourself, and you will attract people and opportunities. You may have gained something other than what you sought initially, but the Divine says this is the gift you needed to move forward—the foundation on which you will build a successful and happy life.
Stay aware and open to magic and miracles. The word that comes to mind is "transformation." Also, look for love in its purest form once you stop struggling or trying to make things happen. Things will start happening.
 It is like when Glinda told Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" you had the power to get yourself home all the time, but she had to learn it for herself.
Stay aware and open to magic and miracles. The word that comes to mind is "transformation."
Love isn't as elusive as you think. I see you realizing that the magic and mystery of love starts with you. I have a vision of you going into a blissful meditative state, tapping into Universal love, and anchoring this love into your heart.
This energy is a vibration of pure light, and music travels throughout your body and the auric field. I see you breathing in this light vibration and recycling it as it strengthens. It adapts and becomes who you are. I love this vision!
This meditation will help you in difficult times to come. I am not saying you will experience more challenging times than anyone else. We are all on this planet to grow through strife. We call it Spiritual Adaptation.
You can cope and grow with grace and humility this year. Don't feel guilty about decisions that include tough love in some relationships. Freedom is a keyword right now, but carefully examine how it relates to your life.
Be selective of where you put your energy. Don't take on more than you can handle. Pick your battles. Either delegate some tasks or let them go. It's better this way than burning out. You can't be everything to everyone. Look for the love within you. Like throwing a pebble into a lake, the love will ripple and affect the entire surface.
You may experience disappointments or losses. Know that this is preordained and part of the plan. Growth and expansion will replace sadness. It is part of your purpose. The keynote for you in this period is "truth." Shedding skin to accommodate new growth.
You might see the results in new opportunities in your professional or personal network.
I see you untangling cords. It is like untangling Christmas lights. As you loosen and straighten out one cord, it affects all cords. Stay focused and work on one issue at a time. Don't let yourself become distracted.
Some of you may be in a position where you have been living someone else's life, perhaps taking care of others, or perhaps in a co-dependent situation that complicates the issues in your own life. Maybe your life has spun out of control due to your inability to focus on your personal needs. Do your best to find time for your needs or ask for assistance.
You may also have lived a life based on others' approval or their opinion of success. Recognize your unique gifts and what you bring to the world. Authenticity is the key to happiness and success.
I do see some positive energy around finances. Try not to overthink about your situation. Focus on the positive and trust the Universe rather than trying to manifest in a way that fits your narrative.
Use this powerful time to gather momentum through introspection and self-love. Rather than becoming the world's energy, I see you as the observer.
Over the past year, the world's energy and actions have captivated and controlled you and many others, creating fear and urgency. You felt rushed, with the key phrase being, "I gotta do this or that." I see a vision of you patching a dam so the water doesn't flood out. It may be time to let it flow downstream. Trust that there will be enough, and allow yourself to focus on building a sailboat that will help you float on top of troubled waters.
Meditate, listen, and allow the creative energy to flow through you.
The Collective offers you mastery and wisdom by preserving and guarding your attention. Surender, know that you are God's favorite little lion and that all is well.
Virgo <p>
You will find peace and joy in stepping back and keeping your thoughts and attention inward. Self-healing is just what you need to start the year off right. This month is an excellent time for creativity. Find some projects that you can do just for the fun of doing them.
You might look at others, perhaps comparing yourself to them, and you see their popularity, financial success, and recognition using some method that has promising results. We ask you to go into your heart of hearts and ask if you would enjoy using this method. Sometimes, the procedure that works for someone else may be drudgery for you. Don't compare yourself to others. You must be authentic! You will find your comfort zone.
Remember, money isn't everything. Love and happiness are the key. Don't pressure yourself. Getting into dreamy, meditative, spiritual consciousness will quiet your mind and calm your ego.
You may feel strong desires and want instant gratification. Maybe you feel hungry more than usual or need to acquire more things—crystals, clothes, shoes, whatever. Â
Do you feel like you have denied yourself for too long? We encourage you to focus on your heart space and connect with your guides, teachers, and the Divine within. It is love that you long for. This feeling is not your love for another person; it is love in its purest form. It is the love that creates all forms of love. Make some time during your day to tune into this powerful energy. You will experience satisfaction on a level you have never experienced before.
I see animals, especially birds, attracted to you during this time. Enjoy the glow and bask in the radiant flow.
You are finally able to dial back your energy to a comfortable speed. Over the past weeks, you have felt the need to push the pedal to the metal, especially when supporting other people or perhaps work projects. If you feel off-balance in your root or sacral chakras, we suggest doing some chakra balancing and activities to connect your mind and body and help bring you back in sync. These could be Yoga, Qi Gong, swimming, or mindful walking in nature.
Don't push yourself too hard or try to achieve daily balance. It took you a while to get here, so gently allow your body and mind to self-correct. You have spent so much time rescuing others; it is time to rescue yourself.
Release memories and injuries from your past. We are talking about as far back as you can remember. Some of these feelings and injuries may been in your thoughts and emotions over the past few months. Â It is time to let go and not allow the past to shape your future.
As long as you hold on to anger, fear, or whatever emotion is attached to the past, you become a prisoner of this ideation. Try to look at each situation without emotional energy and verbalize to that memory that you are not what happened to you.
 I do not identify with this situation, so I release you! I no longer give you the power to control or label me!
Do this in whatever way works for you. Some people delete the problem like an email, while others write it and shred or burn the paper.
Replace these memories with beautiful new intentions that serve you and humanity.
I get the phrase" Life Changes" for you this year. These are big changes, and you can choose how they shape your life. Be the author, the creator, and the observer of your future without becoming part of the drama.
You may have had some personal struggles over the past year, but you can finally connect, align, and enlist your will with the will of the Divine.
All struggles have an element of fear, and surrendering to the Divine is the key to freedom. You have been busy building a good foundation and will see some positive results.
So much of this involves spirituality and personal growth, but you may also have something to offer groups of people and gain rewarding benefits. It is time to share what you have learned to help others.
Planning and organizing are essential. Don't be hasty or impulsive. Take your time, or things could frustrate you and lead to abandonment. Always ask your higher self to assist and guide you.
I see a great weight lifted off your shoulders, yet I also see you looking over your shoulder to ensure you haven't forgotten something or are concerned that some residuals from the past may be sneaking up on you. Stay aware and know that you are stepping into a new higher vibration, so anything from the past will be small and dissolved by the light of your new vibration.
I see you more in tune with your intuition than ever. Please remember this is a powerful time; you must listen to your body and thoughts. Taking breaks from whatever you are doing before you become exhausted is vital to the upgrade process.
Don't be afraid to ask for help in your everyday life. The Universe is listening and will give you the help you need.
The New Year is a good time to get all those checkups and blood work with your medical practitioners. I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe, but I can tell you that The Collective is showing me a circulatory system.  I can only give common sense information, like paying more attention and loving to your extraordinary body. Yes, it has flaws, but most diamonds do, too. You are a diamond, my friend.
Gratitude is so important. I like to think about my gratefulness when walking in the park or going to the gym. I don't know if it helps me physically, but it does boost my feelings of joy and makes my problems seem much smaller.
I feel significant responsibilities in your world right now. Know that your first responsibility is to yourself. Avoid becoming the scapegoat. When others don't want to be accountable, they sometimes blame the person willing to take responsibility—always remember this before putting your hand in the air and offering to take on a project.
Take fear off the menu this year. Avoid listening to or watching fear-based TV shows and Podcasts. They feed off of your fear, and you lose some of your power. You know how to create peace in your life. You can't control the rest of the world but you can control your inner world.